This is a convenient traveler who wants to travel to Busan, Gyeongju, and Jeju in South Korea. You can learn more about the transportation modes of Busan, Gyeongju, and Jeju, as well as the transportation of various attractions. You can also use the offline map to provide the self-service tour. The transportation methods for Busan, Gyeongju and Jeju can be used more easily! You can also check the relevant information instantly when you are traveling (because the map file is included, the memory of the program is large, please bear with me!) In addition, the user will zoom in and out to adjust the size when viewing the map. Scale the map directly on your screen with your finger!
Information such as maps and introductions can be viewed offline, but because the weather and exchange rates need to obtain real-time information, you need to connect to the Internet to query. I hope that when you have the Internet, you can help us to browse more of the ads below and provide us with the power to launch more. Offline Map Travel App!
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Keihan Kanai Traffic (Kyoto, Osaka, Kobe, Nara, Kansai, Japan)
Tokyo Transportation (Narita Airport, Haneda Airport, Hakone, Yokohama, Kanto, Japan)
Kyushu Transportation (Fukuoka, Nagasaki, Kumamoto, Kagoshima, Oita, Miyazaki, Saga, Japan)
Seoul Transportation (Seoul, South Korea)
Busan / Gyeongju / Jeju Transportation (Busan, Jeju, Korea)
Sydney Traffic (Sydney, Sydney, Australia)
Hong Kong Traffic (Hong Kong)
Macau Transportation (Macau)
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